Webcasting is a Powerful Event Production Tool. Here’s How We Can Help You!

New ways to market your business are popping up every day. The rise of digital marketing and the availability of social media channels has made it easier than ever for businesses to reach their target audience. Video streaming is one such marketing tool that will let you directly communicate with your potential customers. If you aren’t sure how video streaming can help you market your business, read on! Video streaming as a marketing tool can be used in several different ways to promote your business or product. Let’s take a look at how video streaming can help you effectively market your business.



An Introduction to Video Streaming

Before we dive into the different ways video streaming can help you market your business, let’s take a look at an introduction to video streaming. Video streaming is a live broadcast that viewers can watch in real-time on the Internet. Usually, this is accomplished through a video hosting website, like YouTube. Video streaming is a great marketing tool because it offers the opportunity to build a relationship with your customer base by creating relatable content. You can create content that will resonate with your audience, helping you establish trust and authority. As a result, your customers will be more likely to become engaged with your business and buy your products! If you aren’t sure how video streaming can help you market your business, read on!


Help you build a relationship with your customer base

Video streaming as a marketing tool can be used to showcase your business culture, products, and employees. You can create a series of videos that allow customers to get to know you and your business better. You can use these videos to share the story behind your products and why you founded your company. You can also use video streaming to get involved with your target audiences’ interests. For example, if you run a sporting goods store, you can make a series of videos about your favourite sports. You can do the same for any hobby or interest you want to involve in your business. This way, customers won’t just be buying from your company because they need a product. They’ll also be buying from you because they want to support your passions. Video streaming as a marketing tool can be used to showcase your business culture, products, and employees. You can create a series of videos that allow customers to get to know you and your business better.


Video Streaming as a Lead Generation Tool

Video streaming can be used as a lead generation tool by offering an incentive. You can offer an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at your company, product development, or something else relevant to your industry. In exchange for watching your video, customers will give their contact information, allowing you to connect with them and begin cultivating a relationship. You can use video streaming to host webinars, interviews, or seminars to teach your audience about your field of expertise. This can help you connect with your audience and establish yourself as an authority in your industry. If you are marketing a product, you can use video streaming to show off the benefits of your product. You can also use video streaming to show how your product works.


Video Streaming to Celebrate Events

If you’re hosting a special event, you can use video streaming to give your audience a first-hand look at the event. You can provide a live video stream of a panel discussion, lectures, sports events, or other events you want to celebrate. This can help you connect with your customers on a more personal level and allow them to experience the event as if they were there. This type of video streaming can also be particularly useful if you want to celebrate a holiday that doesn’t occur during normal business hours. For example, if you want to celebrate Independence Day but your office is closed, you can still reach your customers by hosting a live video streaming event. If you aren’t sure how video streaming can help you market your business, give us a call.



Video streaming is a powerful event production tool that can be used to reach a wider audience. However, live video streaming requires a certain degree of planning and preparation. You’ll need to ensure that your video streaming equipment is compatible and that they’re set up correctly. You’ll also need to have a plan to promote your event so that people know it’s happening. Video streaming can help you effectively market your business by building a relationship with your customers, lead generation, and celebrating special events!

St Louis Photographers and Video Production Company


St Louis Locations is an established team of experienced and professional photographers in St Louis Missouri. All team members have specifically profound experiences in photojournalism, the amazing ability to externalize the significant moments for our customers.  We develop interactive and constructive relationships with our clients leading by fulfilling their expectations through fast turnaround times and eye-catching imagery.

st louis photographers and video production crews.

In addition to the superior quality of our work, we are proud to be competitive. Hourly and day rates as well as total event packages are offered to fit any budget.  Our team members with years of experience in product photography, event photography, portrait photography plus commercial & corporate video, believe that the comfort and demands of our clients are always at paramount.  Our goal is to create a relaxing environment where our client’s true personality can shine.

Mike Haller
9910 Claywood Court
St. Louis, MO 63126