Location Scout Checklist for Successful Live Events

When planning a live event, location scouting is a critical step that can make or break the success of your production. As decision-makers in photography and video production services, understanding the intricacies of location scouting will ensure that your event runs smoothly and looks professional. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the process.


1. Define Your Requirements

Before you start scouting, have a clear understanding of your event’s needs:

  • Type of Event: Is it a corporate meeting, a product launch, or a promotional video shoot?
  • Audience Size: How many people will be attending or involved?
  • Technical Requirements: What kind of audio-visual equipment will you need?

2. Scout Multiple Locations

Don’t settle for the first venue you visit. Compare several options to find the best fit:

  • Accessibility: Is the location easy to reach for all participants?
  • Size and Layout: Does the venue accommodate your expected audience size and event setup?
  • Amenities: Are there necessary facilities like restrooms, parking, and catering options?

3. Evaluate Lighting Conditions

Natural and artificial lighting can significantly impact the quality of your photos and videos:

  • Natural Light: Visit the location at the same time of day your event will be held to assess the natural lighting.
  • Artificial Light: Check the existing lighting fixtures and plan for additional lighting if needed.

4. Check Acoustics

Good sound quality is essential for a professional production:

  • Background Noise: Listen for any potential disturbances such as traffic, construction, or HVAC systems.
  • Echo and Reverberation: Test the acoustics by speaking or playing a recording to see if the sound is clear and crisp.

5. Assess Power Availability

Ensure that there are sufficient power sources for all your equipment:

  • Outlets: Check the number and location of electrical outlets.
  • Power Supply: Confirm the power supply can handle the load of your equipment.

6. Inspect the Environment

The surroundings of your location can affect the overall aesthetic and functionality:

  • Backgrounds: Look for visually appealing backgrounds that complement your event’s theme.
  • Space for Equipment: Ensure there’s ample space for cameras, tripods, and other gear.

7. Consider Safety and Regulations

Safety should always be a top priority:

  • Permits: Verify if you need any permits to shoot at the location.
  • Safety Hazards: Identify and address any potential safety hazards.

8. Plan for Logistics

Detailed logistical planning can prevent last-minute issues:

  • Setup and Breakdown: Determine the time needed for setting up and breaking down your equipment.
  • Crew Coordination: Plan the movement and coordination of your crew.

9. Test the Location

Conduct a test run to troubleshoot any potential problems:

  • Rehearsals: Schedule rehearsals to test the flow and timing of your event.
  • Equipment Check: Test all equipment to ensure it works perfectly in the environment.

10. Document Your Findings

Keep detailed notes and photos of each location to aid in decision-making:

  • Pros and Cons: List the advantages and disadvantages of each location.
  • Visual Records: Take photos and videos to help visualize the setup and layout.

Why Choose St Louis Locations

At St Louis Locations, we understand the intricacies of location scouting and the importance of selecting the perfect venue for your live events. As a full-service professional commercial photography and video production company, we bring the right equipment and creative crew to ensure successful image acquisition.

Our Services Include:

  • Studio and Location Video and Photography: We offer comprehensive services to meet all your production needs.
  • Editing and Post-Production: Our skilled team handles all aspects of post-production to deliver polished results.
  • Licensed Drone Pilots: We provide specialized drone services, including indoor flights.
  • Custom Productions: We tailor our services to fit diverse media requirements and repurpose your content for maximum impact.
  • Private Studio: Our studio is perfect for small productions and interview scenes, with ample space for props and a custom setup.

With extensive experience working with businesses, marketing firms, and agencies in the St. Louis area, St Louis Locations is your go-to partner for all corporate photography and video needs. From custom interview setups to providing sound and camera operators, we have everything to make your next video production perfect.

Choose St Louis Locations for your next project, and let us help you create captivating content that stands out.


Cell 314-913-5626


How Testimonial Videos Drive Business Growth

In the ever-evolving world of marketing and advertising, businesses are constantly searching for innovative ways to connect with their target audience and drive growth. One such method that has proven to be highly effective is the use of testimonial videos. These powerful marketing tools not only provide credibility and authenticity but also offer a unique opportunity to showcase the real-life experiences and success stories of satisfied customers. As an experienced corporate videographer at St. Louis Locations, I have witnessed firsthand how testimonial videos can drive business growth and make a significant impact on a company’s success.

The Power of Testimonial Videos
Testimonial videos are a form of user-generated content that allows customers to share their experiences with a product or service. These videos typically feature satisfied customers talking about their positive interactions with a company, its products, or its services. The effectiveness of testimonial videos lies in their ability to build trust, establish credibility, and create a strong emotional connection with the audience. Here are some key reasons why testimonial videos are so powerful:

1. Authenticity
Authenticity is crucial in today’s marketing landscape. Customers are savvy and can easily spot inauthentic or scripted content. Testimonial videos, featuring real customers sharing their honest opinions, are seen as more trustworthy and genuine. When potential customers see others like themselves expressing satisfaction, they are more likely to believe the claims made by the company.

2. Credibility
Testimonial videos provide third-party validation for a company’s products or services. They serve as endorsements from real people who have experienced the value offered by the business. This added credibility can be a game-changer, especially in industries where trust is paramount, such as healthcare, finance, or B2B services.

3. Emotional Connection
Video is a powerful medium for storytelling, and testimonial videos excel at creating emotional connections. When viewers see and hear the emotions of satisfied customers, they are more likely to resonate with the message and develop a positive perception of the brand. Emotional engagement can lead to stronger brand loyalty and increased customer retention.

4. Humanization
Testimonial videos humanize a brand. They put a face and a voice to the company, making it more relatable. Potential customers are more likely to connect with real people sharing their experiences than with faceless advertisements or written testimonials.

Crafting Compelling Testimonial Videos
Creating effective testimonial videos requires careful planning, execution, and storytelling. As an experienced corporate videographer, I can share some insights into the process of crafting compelling testimonial videos that drive business growth:

1. Identify the Right Customers
Not every customer will be an ideal candidate for a testimonial video. Identify customers who have a genuine positive experience to share and are willing to participate in the video. Consider their demographics and the specific benefits they’ve received from your product or service.

2. Prepare Questions
Prepare a list of open-ended questions that will guide the testimonial interview. These questions should encourage customers to share their experiences, challenges they faced before using your product or service, and the results they achieved. Keep the conversation natural and unscripted.

3. Choose the Right Setting
Select a suitable location for filming the testimonial video. It could be on-site at your business, in a customer’s environment, or in a studio setting. The choice of location should enhance the authenticity of the video and align with your brand image.

4. Capture Authentic Moments
During the interview, focus on capturing authentic moments and genuine emotions. Avoid rehearsed or scripted responses. The beauty of testimonial videos lies in their spontaneity and honesty.

5. Edit Thoughtfully
In the post-production phase, edit the video thoughtfully. Ensure it flows smoothly and maintains viewer engagement. Incorporate visuals, graphics, and background music if appropriate, but always prioritize the customer’s story.

6. Share Across Multiple Channels
Once the testimonial video is ready, leverage multiple marketing channels to share it with your target audience. This includes your website, social media platforms, email newsletters, and even at industry events. The goal is to maximize its reach and impact.

The St. Louis Locations Advantage
As a full-service professional commercial video production company, St. Louis Locations is well-equipped to help businesses harness the power of testimonial videos for driving growth. Our team of experienced videographers understands the nuances of creating authentic and compelling testimonial videos that resonate with your target audience.

Full-Service Studio and Location Video Production
We offer both studio and location video production services to cater to diverse media requirements. Whether you need an on-site shoot or a controlled studio environment, we have the expertise and equipment to deliver high-quality results.

Editing and Post-Production
Our post-production team is skilled in enhancing and refining your testimonial videos to ensure they effectively convey your message. We can add graphics, animations, and music to elevate the visual appeal of your videos.

Repurposing for Maximum Traction
At St. Louis Locations, we understand the value of repurposing content. We can repurpose your testimonial videos into various formats to reach a broader audience. This includes creating shorter clips for social media, blog posts, or email campaigns.

Versatility in Media and Software
We are well-versed in all file types and styles of media, as well as accompanying software. This means we can handle any unique requirements or specifications you have for your testimonial videos.

In conclusion, testimonial videos are a powerful tool for driving business growth, and St. Louis Locations is your trusted partner in harnessing their potential. We have a proven track record of working with businesses and agencies in the St. Louis area, providing top-notch corporate photography and video production services. If you’re ready to take your marketing efforts to the next level and boost your brand’s credibility, contact us today.

Discover the St. Louis Locations difference and let us help you tell your success stories through compelling testimonial videos.

Contact us now to get started on your journey to business growth through the magic of testimonial videos. Your success story is waiting to be told, and we’re here to make it happen.

Studio 314-892-1233
Cell 314-913-5626

Location Scouting: Finding the Ideal Setting for Your Brand’s Story.

When it comes to photography and video production, the importance of location cannot be overstated. The right setting can make or break your project, setting the stage for your brand’s story and enhancing its visual appeal. As a location scout for St. Louis Locations, I understand the crucial role that location scouting plays in the world of visual storytelling. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the art and science of location scouting and how it can help you find the ideal setting for your brand’s story.

The Art of Location Scouting
Location scouting is an art as much as it is a science. It requires a trained eye, creative vision, and an in-depth understanding of the storytelling process. Let’s dive into the key aspects of location scouting:

1. Understanding the Story
Before embarking on a location scout, it’s essential to have a deep understanding of the story you want to tell. What is the mood, message, and visual style of your project? This knowledge will guide your search for the perfect setting.

2. Research and Preparation
Effective location scouting begins with thorough research. Investigate potential locations based on your project’s requirements. This might include checking permits, regulations, and other legal considerations.

3. Visual Composition
Composition is a critical factor in location scouting. A visually appealing location should complement your project’s aesthetic. Consider elements like framing, lighting, and how the location interacts with your subject.

4. Seasonal Considerations
Different seasons can drastically alter a location’s appearance. Understanding how a location changes throughout the year is crucial. For instance, the lush greenery of summer may contrast starkly with the snowy landscapes of winter.

5. Access and Logistics
Is the location easily accessible? Can you transport equipment and crew without issues? Consider logistical concerns such as parking, proximity to amenities, and potential disruptions from nearby construction or events.

6. Safety and Permits
Ensuring the safety of your crew and complying with local regulations is paramount. Obtain the necessary permits and assess potential risks associated with the location.

7. Budget Constraints
While searching for the perfect location, keep your budget in mind. Some settings may require additional expenses, such as location fees or travel costs. Balancing the ideal location with budget constraints is a skillful task.

8. Location Scouting Tools
Modern technology has revolutionized location scouting. Various tools and software, such as GIS (Geographic Information Systems), can assist scouts in mapping and assessing locations effectively. Drone photography and 360-degree virtual tours are also invaluable resources.

The Science of Location Scouting
While the art of location scouting focuses on aesthetics and creativity, the science of scouting involves data-driven decision-making. Here are some key aspects of the scientific side of location scouting:

1. Geographical Considerations
Understanding the geography of the location is crucial. Factors like proximity to urban areas, natural landscapes, bodies of water, and elevation can significantly influence your choice.

2. Demographics
Who is your target audience, and where are they located? Knowing your audience can help you select locations that resonate with them.

3. Climate and Weather
Weather conditions can greatly impact your shoot. It’s essential to consider the local climate and its potential effects on your production.

4. Historical and Cultural Significance
Sometimes, the historical or cultural significance of a location can enhance the narrative of your project. Be sure to explore this aspect during scouting.

5. Environmental Impact
Consider the environmental impact of your shoot. Are there protected habitats or areas that should be preserved? Ensure that your production doesn’t harm the location’s ecosystem.

6. Property Rights
Respect property rights and ownership. Make sure you have the necessary permissions to film on private property, and adhere to any restrictions set by property owners.

7. Technical Considerations
Think about the technical requirements of your shoot. Does the location offer the necessary facilities and infrastructure, such as electricity and internet connectivity, to support your production?

The Role of a Location Scout
A location scout acts as the bridge between your creative vision and the practical requirements of your project. Here’s how a location scout can benefit your photography or video production:

1. Time and Resource Efficiency
A skilled location scout can save you time and resources by finding the right location quickly and efficiently. They have the expertise to filter out unsuitable options and present you with top choices.

2. Problem Solving
If challenges arise during scouting, such as legal issues or logistical complications, a location scout can navigate these obstacles effectively, ensuring your project stays on track.

3. Creativity and Vision
Location scouts possess a creative eye and can help you visualize how a location can fit into your project’s narrative. They can suggest unique settings that you might not have considered.

4. Risk Management
Location scouts have experience in assessing and mitigating risks associated with a particular location. They can identify potential issues and recommend solutions to keep your production safe and on schedule.

5. Cost Savings
An experienced location scout can negotiate deals and secure permits, potentially saving you money and reducing budget overruns.

St. Louis Locations: Your Trusted Partner in Location Scouting
St. Louis Locations is a full-service video and photography production company based in St. Louis. With a deep understanding of the art and science of location scouting, we can accommodate all your location scouting requirements. Our team of experts is well-versed in every aspect of location scouting and management for your production.

Here’s how St. Louis Locations can help you:

Expertise: We have a team of seasoned location scouts with years of experience. We understand the nuances of storytelling and can find locations that perfectly align with your vision.

Local Knowledge: As a St. Louis-based company, we have an in-depth understanding of the local area and its diverse landscapes. We know where to find the hidden gems that will make your project stand out.

Regulatory Compliance: We are well-versed in the legal and regulatory aspects of location scouting. We ensure all necessary permits and permissions are obtained, so your production proceeds without hiccups.

Cost Efficiency: Our team has a knack for finding cost-effective locations without compromising quality. We’ll make the most of your budget.

Safety: Your safety and the safety of your crew are paramount. We conduct thorough risk assessments and ensure that your production is conducted in a secure environment.

Creative Vision: We’re not just about logistics; we also bring a creative touch to location scouting. We understand how a location can enhance your story and make it visually compelling.

As a creative location scout, St. Louis Locations has worked with many businesses of all types and sizes in the St. Louis area. We are experts at finding just the right location for your shooting projects.

If you’re in need of a professional location scout, look no further than St. Louis Locations. Contact us today, and let’s embark on a journey to find the ideal setting for your brand’s story. Your project’s success starts with the perfect location, and we’re here to make it happen.

Remember, your location is not just a backdrop; it’s an integral part of your brand’s narrative. With St. Louis Locations, you can ensure that your story is set in the most captivating and fitting environment, making your photography and video projects truly exceptional.

Mike Haller
4501 Mattis Road
St. Louis, MO 63128
Studio 314-892-1233
Cell 314-913-5626

Steps to Creating Authentic and Effective Video Testimonials for Your Service Business

Video testimonials have become a powerful tool for businesses to showcase their services and build trust with potential customers. Unlike traditional written testimonials, video testimonials allow viewers to see and hear real people sharing their experiences, adding a personal touch that can significantly impact the credibility and effectiveness of your marketing efforts. As an experienced location scout and video producer at St Louis Locations, we understand the importance of creating authentic and compelling video testimonials. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to create authentic and effective video testimonials for your service business.

Why Video Testimonials Matter
Video testimonials are a valuable asset for your service business for several reasons. First and foremost, they humanize your brand. By featuring real customers sharing their positive experiences, you demonstrate that your services are genuinely valued and appreciated by people just like your potential customers. This human element helps build trust, credibility, and an emotional connection with your audience.

Additionally, video testimonials allow you to highlight specific aspects of your services that may be difficult to convey through text alone. Whether it’s showcasing the results of your work, highlighting unique features, or emphasizing exceptional customer service, video testimonials provide an engaging platform to communicate these key messages effectively.

Step 1: Identify Your Target Audience
Before you start creating video testimonials, it’s crucial to identify your target audience. Understanding who your ideal customers are will help you tailor your messaging and select the right participants for your testimonials. Consider demographics, interests, pain points, and motivations of your target audience. By aligning your testimonials with your target audience, you ensure that the content resonates with them on a deeper level.

Step 2: Select the Right Participants
To create authentic and effective video testimonials, you need to choose participants who genuinely believe in your services and have had a positive experience with your business. Look for customers who have benefited from your services and are willing to share their stories. Authenticity is key, so avoid using paid actors or scripted testimonials. Real people with real experiences will bring a genuine and relatable touch to your videos.

Step 3: Plan the Interview Questions
To elicit powerful and informative responses from your participants, plan a set of interview questions in advance. Start with open-ended questions that encourage storytelling and allow participants to share their experiences in detail. Here are some sample questions to consider:

How did you first discover our services?
What challenges or problems were you facing before using our services?
How has our service helped you overcome those challenges?
What specific results have you achieved by using our services?
How would you describe our customer service and support?
Would you recommend our services to others? Why?
Feel free to tailor these questions to fit your specific business and goals. The goal is to capture authentic and compelling responses that highlight the value and benefits of your services.

Step 4: Prepare the Environment
When shooting video testimonials, it’s essential to create an environment that puts your participants at ease and reflects your brand’s image. Select a location that is relevant to your business or showcases your services. Consider factors such as lighting, background, and noise levels to ensure a professional and distraction-free setting. You may also want to provide some basic guidance on attire and grooming to maintain a consistent look throughout the testimonials.

Step 5: Conduct the Interviews
During the interview process, make your participants feel comfortable and relaxed. Begin by introducing yourself and explaining the purpose of the testimonial. Create a friendly and conversational atmosphere to encourage authentic responses. As you ask the prepared questions, actively listen and engage with the participants. Follow-up on interesting points, ask for further details, and encourage them to elaborate on their experiences. Remember, the more natural and heartfelt their responses, the more impactful the testimonials will be.

Step 6: Edit and Enhance
Once you have recorded the video testimonials, it’s time to edit and enhance the footage. Start by selecting the best clips that capture the essence of each participant’s story. Trim any unnecessary or repetitive content to keep the testimonial concise and engaging. Consider adding some background music to set the right tone and enhance the overall viewing experience. Lastly, incorporate your branding elements, such as your logo and color scheme, to maintain consistency with your overall marketing materials.

Step 7: Share and Promote
After finalizing the video testimonials, it’s time to share them with the world. Utilize various platforms and channels to reach your target audience effectively. Publish the testimonials on your website’s testimonial page, share them on social media platforms, and embed them in your email newsletters. Consider leveraging video hosting platforms like YouTube or Vimeo to extend your reach and enhance discoverability. Engage with your audience by actively responding to comments and feedback, further reinforcing the trust and connection you’ve established.

How St Louis Locations Can Help You
At St Louis Locations, we are a full-service location scouting, commercial photography, and video production company based in St. Louis. Our experienced team is well-versed in all aspects of video and multimedia production. With our expertise, we can help you create authentic and effective video testimonials that align with your branding and business marketing communication needs.

As experienced multimedia producers, St Louis Locations has created hundreds of video productions for all types of businesses in the St. Louis region. We understand the importance of capturing genuine stories and delivering high-quality visuals that resonate with your target audience. Whether you need assistance with location scouting, video production, or post-production editing, we have the skills and resources to bring your vision to life.

Contact St Louis Locations today to discuss your location scouting and video production requirements. Let us help you showcase your service business through powerful and compelling video testimonials, leaving a lasting impression on your audience and driving business growth.

Call 314-913-5626 or email stlouislocations@gmail.com

Mastering Location Scouting for Video Production: Tips, Techniques & Tools to Make Your Shoot a Success.

Location scouting for video production is often an overlooked step in the production process. However, masterful location scouting can make the difference between an average and extraordinary video production. Finding the right location for your next productionIt’s the key to creating visually compelling stories and can also save a lot of time and money when done correctly. Whether you’re a seasoned video producer or just getting started, there are some key tips, techniques, and tools that you can use to make your next shoot a success. From understanding the basics of location scouting and legal considerations to utilizing the latest technologies to save time and money, mastering the art of location scouting can help you create the perfect video production.

Understanding the Basics of Location Scouting

Location scouting is the process of identifying and securing potential shooting locations before the start of a production. This includes everything from scouting for the right look, to finding the most convenient and cost-effective locations, to securing permission to use those locations. The location scout’s role is to find the best possible locations for your production to meet your story’s narrative and production requirements. They do this by collaborating with various departments and stakeholders to find the best possible locations, and then communicating logistics, requirements, and costs back to those stakeholders. The most important thing to remember about location scouting is that it’s not just about finding a pretty place. Successful location scouting requires the location scout to understand the story, the characters, and their motivations, and then find places where those stories can be told in an authentic and compelling way.

Legal Considerations for Location Scouting

Before you go on a location scout, make sure you understand the legal considerations at each location. Even if you’re using a public space, there may be rules and regulations that you need to follow. While shooting on public property may be free, you may need a permit. Also, you may need to get permission from the city, county, or state government. Getting the necessary permissions will help ensure that you stay on the right side of the law. It’s also important that you get permission from the owner of any private property that you intend to shoot on. Failure to secure the proper permissions could result in fines, a shut-down, or even a lawsuit, so always check with the owner and get the necessary legal documents signed before beginning your shoot.

Utilizing the Latest Technologies for Location Scouting

The best location scouts don’t just look for great places to shoot. They also keep their ear on the ground for new and exciting locations. Location scouts who are constantly scanning the web and social media for new places to shoot are sure to find exciting and fresh locations for their shoots. This can help your production stand out from the crowd and create a more compelling story. It can also save a lot of time and money because you won’t be wasting time scouting places that won’t work for your story. The internet is bursting with location-sharing platforms that allow you to find new, exciting locations. Some of the most popular platforms include Instagram, Pinterest, and TripAdvisor. However, there are also more niche-oriented tools like Whim, which is dedicated to helping filmmakers find new, visually compelling locations. Whim features a built-in visual search engine that allows you to search millions of photos for new and exciting locations. It also features a built-in communication tool that allows you to connect with the host of the location, check their availability, and make arrangements to book the space.

Tips for Finding the Best Locations

Before you start scouting for locations, create a logline for your shoot. This will help you understand the narrative of your shoot and will help you find the right locations. Once you have your logline, use these tips to find the best locations. – Start with a storyboard. A storyboard will help you visualize the shots you want and will help you find locations that can help you execute your story. – Look for interesting places that tell a story. You want to find places with a lot of character that can help you tell your story in an authentic way. – Be flexible with your search. While you want to find a few places that can help you tell your story, it’s also important to cast a wide net. Being flexible will help you find new and exciting locations that you may have otherwise missed. – Think about your crew. You also need to think about your crew when searching for locations. Some locations may be too difficult for your crew to shoot in. And, some places may be too close to other productions to make shooting there possible.

Advice on Working with Location Managers

A location manager is typically hired by production companies to scout and secure filming locations on behalf of production crews. A location manager should understand the story of the shoot and help choose the best location(s) that will help tell the story in an authentic way. Having someone on your team who knows how to navigate the legal considerations, negotiate with property owners, and represent your interests can be invaluable. If you find a location that you want to shoot at but don’t have a location manager, do your research and be sure to let the owners know that you’re willing to pay them for their time and property. When you’re looking for a location manager, make sure you’re working with someone who understands the needs of video production. Ideally, you want someone who has a lot of experience with video production in the area you’re shooting in. This will help ensure that the location manager knows the rules and regulations for shooting in the area and can help guide you as you secure locations for your shoot.

Creating the Perfect Storyboard for Your Shoot

Once you have found the perfect locations for your shoot, it’s time to create the perfect storyboard for your shoot. This is the single most important tool that you can use to help you visualize your shoot, keep the shoot on schedule, and ensure that you capture the shots that you need. A storyboard is like a map of your shoot that shows the order in which you will shoot the different scenes. It also details how each scene will transition into the next one. You can create a storyboard using a wide variety of tools. From old-fashioned pen and paper to digital storyboard software, there are dozens of different tools that will help you create the perfect visual representation of your film. One thing is important, however. You want to use the storyboard to help you visualize the shots that you need to capture, not necessarily the order in which you will capture them. This is important because it helps you prioritize the shots you need to capture, which will help you keep your shoot on schedule.

Best Practices for Working with Locations

While the best practices for working with specific locations will vary from shoot-to-shoot, there are some best practices that apply to almost every shoot. – Always communicate with the owners of each location before you start shooting. Let them know when you will be there, how long you expect to be there, and what you plan to do there. – Be respectful of each location. You are using these locations by their permission, so make sure you treat them as you would your own house. – Stay on schedule. A production is like hosting a party. The longer the party goes on, the more the guests will want to leave. Keeping your production on schedule, including the location shoots, will help ensure that it ends as soon as possible.

St Louis location scouting and managing

We maintain a comprehensive list of locations for any type of photography, videography, and brand promotion in St Louis. We are ready to handle any job that comes our way, due to our fast turnaround times.

Every project requires its own approach and we aim to exceed expectations. We start by finding the right setting by using our extensive location database. Every time, it is essential to find the ideal location for your project.

Location scouting is an essential component of pre-production. It’s a good time to spot potential issues with a location that include poor lighting or power supply. This includes considering every important character in the script as well as finding an appropriate location to film.

Helping with every step of the location scouting process from creative direction to permit requests to managing and logistics. Our rates are determined by project details, please call or email us for more information regarding your project.

Mike Haller 314-913-5626 stlouislocations@gmail.com

Location scout, videographers and photographers in St. Louis.


Location scouting is a crucial part of pre-production. The right location literally “sets the scene” for your project, but the wrong one can be a logistical and creative nightmare.

We’re going to walk you through why location scouting is so important and some tips to help you find the perfect location for your project each and every time.

Why is Location Scouting Important?

Location scouting is about more than just finding the right room or park for a specific scene. Location scouting allows key members of the crew to walk through the space they want to shoot in and ensure it not only looks great but can support the needs of the shooting crew and cast.

It also is a great time to uncover any potential problems with the location, such as lack of adequate lighting or power.

While this may seem obvious, the script holds the most important information when it comes to finding the right location to shoot a certain scene. Each and every noteworthy element must be considered.

Is the shoot a period piece? Does it take place in a certain kind of park in a certain part of the world? What elements does the writer describe being included in the space the scene takes place? What time of day is it supposed to be?

Carefully review every part of the script so that you can go into your location scout with a solid picture of exactly what kind of location you’ll need for each scene you’re planning to shoot.

Haller Concepts, Inc.
Mike Haller
4501 Mattis Road
St. Louis, MO 63128
Studio 314-892-1233
Cell 314-913-5626

Commercial Photographers & Location Scouts for St. Louis, Missouri

Creating your brand for your product is important.  Your goal is to build better awareness among your consumers and achieve success. Professional photography is one of the best ways to establish a brand.

It is visually appealing, engaging and can be thought provoking. Photos appeal to consumers of any age.

The images you use to promote and market your brand should have a visual style that’s unique but easy to identify. This style should be consistent across all the marketing platforms you use, and from the very first day you start the branding campaign.

Our professional photographers will help you launch your visual branding campaign. It is the most creative and practical way to achieve the look and feel of the better brand you are building.

Haller Concepts, Inc.
Mike Haller
4501 Mattis Road
St. Louis, MO 63128
Studio 314-892-1233
Cell 314-913-5626

Location Scouts | Video Production Crews

Our primary mission and passion is to tell our clients’ stories, and help share their message with video. We provide corporate, event, employee training, music, fashion, web, and TV video production to do just that. We offer professional High Definition (HD) video production scouting and crewing services with high quality craftsmanship in all phases of production, including concept creation, scripts and storyboards, talent and location scouting, on-location or in studio production, digital editing, graphic design and animation, and media methods and distribution strategies.

Scouting for the best location

Why is Location Scouting Important?

Location scouting is about more than just finding the right room or park for a specific scene. Location scouting allows key members of the crew to walk through the space they want to shoot in and ensure it not only looks great but can support the needs of the shooting crew and cast.


It also is a great time to uncover any potential problems with the location, such as lack of adequate lighting or power.

While this may seem obvious, the script holds the most important information when it comes to finding the right location to shoot a certain scene. Each and every noteworthy element must be considered.

Is the shoot a period piece? Does it take place in a certain kind of park in a certain part of the world? What elements does the writer describe being included in the space the scene takes place? What time of day is it supposed to be?


Film, video and photography location scouts in St. Louis


Carefully review every part of the script so that you can go into your location scout with a solid picture of exactly what kind of location you’ll need for each scene you’re planning to shoot.

Mike Haller – Cell 314-913-5626