st louis corporate video production companies

Crafting Your Narrative: Scripting Tips for Marketing Video Interviews

In the realm of video production, creating compelling marketing videos is a nuanced art. One key aspect that often goes overlooked is the script. Crafting an effective script is the backbone of any successful marketing video interview. It serves as the roadmap that guides your audience through the narrative, ensuring that your message is clear, engaging, and persuasive.


As an experienced producer and location scout at St Louis Locations, I’ve had the privilege of working on numerous video projects, including marketing video interviews. In this comprehensive guide, I will share invaluable insights and tips to help you script your marketing video interviews effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the world of video production, these guidelines will enhance your storytelling prowess.

Understanding the Purpose of Your Marketing Video Interview
Before diving into scriptwriting, it’s crucial to define the purpose of your marketing video interview. What message are you trying to convey, and what action do you want your audience to take after watching it? Some common objectives include:

Brand Awareness: Introducing your brand to a wider audience.
Product or Service Promotion: Highlighting the benefits and features of your offerings.
Testimonials and Reviews: Showcasing customer experiences and satisfaction.
Educational Content: Providing valuable information or tutorials.
Call to Action: Encouraging viewers to subscribe, purchase, or engage with your brand.
Identifying your video’s purpose will guide your scriptwriting process and help you stay focused on your goals.

Research and Preparation
The foundation of any successful script is thorough research and preparation. Here are some steps to ensure you’re well-informed before putting pen to paper:

Know Your Audience
Understanding your target audience is paramount. Consider their demographics, interests, pain points, and what motivates them. Tailor your script to resonate with this specific group.

Define Your Key Message
What is the core message you want to convey? Summarize it in one or two sentences. This will be your video’s central theme.

Outline the Structure
Plan the structure of your video. A common structure includes an introduction, the main content, and a call to action. Each section should flow seamlessly into the next.

Gather Information
Collect all relevant information, data, and statistics that support your message. Ensure that your claims are backed by credible sources.

Crafting an Engaging Script
Now that you’ve done your research and outlined your video’s structure, it’s time to start crafting the script. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create a compelling narrative:

1. Start with a Captivating Hook
The first few seconds of your video are crucial for grabbing your audience’s attention. Use a compelling hook—a question, a surprising fact, or a provocative statement—to pique their interest right from the start.

2. Introduce the Topic and Purpose
In the opening segment, clearly state the topic of your video and its purpose. This sets the stage for what your viewers can expect.

3. Establish a Connection
Connect with your audience on a personal level. Share relatable anecdotes, experiences, or challenges that align with the video’s theme. This helps build rapport and makes your message more relatable.

4. Present the Main Content
This is where you delve into the heart of your message. Organize your content logically, using concise and easy-to-understand language. Avoid jargon or technical terms unless your audience is well-versed in them.

5. Incorporate Visual Elements
Visual aids such as charts, images, and videos can enhance the viewer’s understanding and engagement. Use them strategically to reinforce your message.

6. Share Testimonials or Case Studies
If applicable, include real-life examples, testimonials, or case studies to provide credibility and validate your claims.

7. Call to Action (CTA)
Every marketing video interview should conclude with a clear and compelling call to action. Whether it’s subscribing to your channel, visiting your website, or making a purchase, guide your viewers on what steps to take next.

8. Keep it Concise
While it’s essential to convey your message thoroughly, strive to keep your script concise. Viewers’ attention spans are limited, so every word should serve a purpose.

9. Practice and Refine
Once your script is written, practice delivering it to ensure it flows smoothly. Refine it as needed, adjusting pacing, tone, and emphasis for maximum impact.

10. Seek Feedback
Don’t hesitate to get feedback from colleagues or trusted individuals. Fresh perspectives can help identify areas for improvement.

Tips for Effective Scriptwriting
Here are some additional tips to keep in mind as you craft your marketing video interview script:

Be Conversational
Write in a conversational tone that feels natural. Avoid overly formal language, which can come across as insincere.

Use Power Words
Incorporate powerful and persuasive words that evoke emotions and inspire action. Examples include “discover,” “transform,” “exclusive,” and “revolutionary.”

Storytelling Techniques
Utilize storytelling techniques to engage your audience emotionally. Narratives with relatable characters and compelling arcs are memorable and impactful.

Emphasize Benefits
Focus on the benefits your product or service offers rather than just listing features. How will it improve the viewer’s life?

Create a Visual Script
If your video includes visuals, create a visual script alongside your written one. This will help you plan how visuals align with the spoken words.

Review and Rehearsal
Once your script is finalized, it’s time for a comprehensive review and rehearsal. Pay attention to the following aspects:

Ensure that your message is crystal clear. Can someone who knows nothing about your product or service understand it after watching the video?

Review the script’s flow. Does it transition smoothly from one section to the next? Are there any awkward or abrupt shifts in tone or topic?

Time your video to ensure it fits within the desired duration. Avoid rushing or dragging out the content.

Visual and Audio Elements
If your video includes visuals or music, ensure they complement the script and enhance the overall experience.

If you’re featuring testimonials or case studies, make sure they align seamlessly with the script and don’t feel forced.

Call to Action
Check that your call to action is clear and persuasive. Does it motivate viewers to take the desired action?

After reviewing, rehearse your script multiple times. Practice your delivery until it feels natural and confident. Consider recording yourself and watching the playback to identify areas for improvement.

The Role of Location in Your Marketing Video Interview
As an experienced producer and location scout at St Louis Locations, I must emphasize the importance of choosing the right location for your marketing video interview. The setting plays a significant role in conveying your message effectively. Here are some considerations when selecting a location:

Ensure that the location aligns with the theme and message of your video. It should resonate with your audience and enhance the overall narrative.

Consider the atmosphere and ambiance of the location. Does it evoke the desired emotions? Whether it’s a cozy coffee shop or a sleek corporate office, the setting should complement your message.

Visual Appeal
Choose a location with visual appeal. Beautiful backdrops can capture viewers’ attention and make your video more engaging.

Ensure that the location is easily accessible for your crew and any participants. Logistics play a crucial role in a smooth video production process.

Lighting and Sound
Pay attention to lighting and sound conditions at the location. Poor lighting or distracting background noise can detract from the quality of your video.

At St Louis Locations, we specialize in location scouting and management. Our experienced team can help you find the perfect location that aligns with your script and enhances your video’s impact. We have an extensive portfolio of diverse locations in the St. Louis area, including scenic outdoor settings, modern urban spaces, and professional studio setups.

The St Louis Locations Advantage
As a full-service location scouting and management company, St Louis Locations offers more than just access to a wide range of captivating locations. Our expertise extends to all aspects of video production, making us your ideal partner for creating result-driven videos. Here’s what sets us apart:

Production Equipment
We provide access to state-of-the-art production equipment, ensuring that your video is of the highest quality. From cameras and lighting to sound equipment and editing tools, we’ve got you covered.

Production Crew
Our experienced production crew consists of talented professionals who are dedicated to bringing your vision to life. From directors and cinematographers to editors and sound engineers, we have the expertise to handle every aspect of your video production.

Location Photography and Headshots
In addition to video production, we offer location photography and headshot services. Whether you need stunning location photos for your marketing materials or professional headshots for your team, we can deliver exceptional results.

We understand that every brand is unique. That’s why we work closely with our clients to customize their brand for all their video productions and photography sessions. Your videos will reflect your brand’s identity and messaging.

We are well-versed in all aspects of location and studio productions for all types and styles of communication media. Whether you need a cinematic advertisement, a corporate training video, or a documentary, we have the expertise to make it happen.

Brand Loyalty and Trust
Over the years, St Louis Locations has worked with many businesses in the St. Louis area to create and build brand loyalty and trust through compelling video content. Our track record speaks for itself, and we are committed to helping our clients succeed in their video marketing endeavors.

In conclusion, crafting an effective script for your marketing video interview is a fundamental step toward achieving your goals. By understanding your audience, conducting thorough research, and following best practices in scriptwriting, you can create engaging and persuasive narratives that resonate with viewers. Additionally, choosing the right location and partnering with a full-service video production company like St Louis Locations can elevate your video’s quality and impact.

If you’re ready to take your video production to the next level and ensure that your message reaches your target audience effectively, contact St Louis Locations today. Our experienced team is here to assist you in every aspect of your video production journey. Let us help you craft compelling narratives, find the perfect locations, and deliver outstanding results for your brand.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to captivate your audience and drive success through video marketing. Contact St Louis Locations and experience the difference of working with a full-service video production partner committed to your success.

Contact St Louis Locations today and let’s bring your vision to life!
Studio 314-892-1233
Cell 314-913-5626

Video Services | Interviews & B-Roll

The Benefits of Incorporating Video Interviews and B-Roll into Your Content.

Searching for ways to make great content? Video Interviews and B-Roll can assist in capturing your viewers’ attention.

Find out how these approaches can improve your content. They can hold your audience’s interest and even boost conversions.


Writing awesome content is a great way to boost your outreach and marketing. Whether it’s for increasing brand recognition, giving executives a thought leadership platform or deepening customer relationships, a good content strategy is essential.

But nowadays, just writing blog posts won’t be enough. To make your content really stand out – and create strong engagement – think about using video interviews and B-roll. Going beyond the written word adds a personal touch that can really make a difference when connecting with an audience.

Video draws on our visual sophistication as a society. And it helps you quickly build a connection with people on either side of the camera – something text can’t do. In this article, let’s explore the benefits of adding video interviews and B-roll to your content strategy.

What is Video Interviewing?

Video interviewing is a way to interview someone or a group from a remote distance. Zoom, Webex, and Microsoft Teams are popular video calling platforms which have made video interviews more popular. You don’t need to be in the same location for these interviews.

Videos provide better content with more details than an audio interview. You can record good quality videos from anywhere and make content that is more interesting than just plain text or audio.

In addition to the audio and video of the interview, you can also add b-roll footage. B-roll is extra material that adds more context. For example, footage of people working in their home office, or employees participating in virtual meetings. Interviews give viewers real quotes they can relate to, while b-roll helps show the points in more detail. This combination makes content more powerful and able to reach viewers.

What is B-Roll?

B-Roll is extra footage used to help the main video story. It’s usually used between shots of an interview. But, it can also be used for establishing shots, cutaways, or background footage. B-Roll helps people connect and gives visual interest.

B-Roll should have a purpose. It should tell its own story. In interviews, it can help support topics being discussed. For example, someone may describe working out but not have access to a gym. B-roll footage of someone working out can give an extra layer.

When using B-Roll, remember two main goals. It should contribute to the narrative. Also, it should help create an emotional connection. This makes stories more tangible and real. If you remember these two goals, audiences will connect with your content!

Benefits of Incorporating Video Interviews

Video interviews are a great way to communicate with viewers. It’s more engaging than text alone. Interviews give voice to topics and provide viewers with dynamic insights. Plus, they make content more informative, interactive and entertaining.

Interviews can be used in many ways. For example, a website homepage could have a new video. Interviews can also help people understand complex topics. You can also use them to let people interact with your brand and get accurate information.

Including b-roll is essential. It adds interest and helps tell the story. It can also make interviewees look more professional and competent. B-roll should be planned out before filming. This will make editing easier later.

By using good interviews and b-roll, you can see positive results. Think: increased engagement and becoming an expert in the topic discussed.

Benefits of Incorporating B-Roll

B-roll, also known as “spring roll” or “candid roll,” is a term in filmmaking for background footage. In marketing, it’s supplementary material showing ideas and stories. Content creators use it when swapping A-rollers isn’t possible. B-roll often has unique clips: people talking, product demos, and time lapse shots.

The benefits of B-roll are many. Firstly, it makes the video look polished and professional. Secondly, marketers can show visuals related to topics in the video. Thirdly, it gives an immersive experience with real people and activities. This creates an emotional connection with customers, increasing their engagement and loyalty. Lastly, B-roll increases production value without expensive resources.

Tips for Using Video Interviews and B-Roll

Video interviews and b-roll can seem daunting. To get the most bang for your buck, follow these pointers:

• Have a plan. Before you start filming, define what you want to achieve and what footage you need.

• Structure interviews. Prepare a script with open-ended questions, so your interviewee can elaborate on their answers.

• Take your time filming b-roll. Don’t rush it; capture useful shots instead of quick cuts between unrelated events.

• Keep an eye on post-production. Make sure no crucial info is missed. Check clips before they go online too – background noise can be a huge distraction.

Examples of Effective Video Interviews and B-Roll

Video interviews and B-Roll are great for making your content come alive. Video interviews allow you to have an interesting conversation with subjects and capture their reactions. B-Roll provides visuals to support your content and statements from others.

But, not all video interviews and B-Roll are the same. To make effective use of these techniques:

  • Pick a visually exciting setting.
  • Interview people who can add value to your story.
  • Decide if you need long clips or several shorter ones.
  • Give people time to get comfortable in front of the camera.
  • For B-Roll footage, focus on action shots related to the topic.
  • Make sure audio levels, sound quality, and white balance adjustments are good.

If you use these techniques thoughtfully, you can effectively communicate complex topics without just using words.


Get creative! Video interviews and b-roll can make content more compelling. For blog posts or using videos on social media, this will make the content dynamic and engaging. It’s a great way to upgrade from text, images and voiceovers, appealing to multiple senses. Plus, subtitles can help international viewers understand.

Experiment! Consider sound quality, lighting, interviewing and storytelling. With practice, you’ll recognize best ways to use video without detracting from the user experience. Decide which approach works best for your business and your target audience.