Location Scout Checklist for Successful Live Events

When planning a live event, location scouting is a critical step that can make or break the success of your production. As decision-makers in photography and video production services, understanding the intricacies of location scouting will ensure that your event runs smoothly and looks professional. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the process.


1. Define Your Requirements

Before you start scouting, have a clear understanding of your event’s needs:

  • Type of Event: Is it a corporate meeting, a product launch, or a promotional video shoot?
  • Audience Size: How many people will be attending or involved?
  • Technical Requirements: What kind of audio-visual equipment will you need?

2. Scout Multiple Locations

Don’t settle for the first venue you visit. Compare several options to find the best fit:

  • Accessibility: Is the location easy to reach for all participants?
  • Size and Layout: Does the venue accommodate your expected audience size and event setup?
  • Amenities: Are there necessary facilities like restrooms, parking, and catering options?

3. Evaluate Lighting Conditions

Natural and artificial lighting can significantly impact the quality of your photos and videos:

  • Natural Light: Visit the location at the same time of day your event will be held to assess the natural lighting.
  • Artificial Light: Check the existing lighting fixtures and plan for additional lighting if needed.

4. Check Acoustics

Good sound quality is essential for a professional production:

  • Background Noise: Listen for any potential disturbances such as traffic, construction, or HVAC systems.
  • Echo and Reverberation: Test the acoustics by speaking or playing a recording to see if the sound is clear and crisp.

5. Assess Power Availability

Ensure that there are sufficient power sources for all your equipment:

  • Outlets: Check the number and location of electrical outlets.
  • Power Supply: Confirm the power supply can handle the load of your equipment.

6. Inspect the Environment

The surroundings of your location can affect the overall aesthetic and functionality:

  • Backgrounds: Look for visually appealing backgrounds that complement your event’s theme.
  • Space for Equipment: Ensure there’s ample space for cameras, tripods, and other gear.

7. Consider Safety and Regulations

Safety should always be a top priority:

  • Permits: Verify if you need any permits to shoot at the location.
  • Safety Hazards: Identify and address any potential safety hazards.

8. Plan for Logistics

Detailed logistical planning can prevent last-minute issues:

  • Setup and Breakdown: Determine the time needed for setting up and breaking down your equipment.
  • Crew Coordination: Plan the movement and coordination of your crew.

9. Test the Location

Conduct a test run to troubleshoot any potential problems:

  • Rehearsals: Schedule rehearsals to test the flow and timing of your event.
  • Equipment Check: Test all equipment to ensure it works perfectly in the environment.

10. Document Your Findings

Keep detailed notes and photos of each location to aid in decision-making:

  • Pros and Cons: List the advantages and disadvantages of each location.
  • Visual Records: Take photos and videos to help visualize the setup and layout.

Why Choose St Louis Locations

At St Louis Locations, we understand the intricacies of location scouting and the importance of selecting the perfect venue for your live events. As a full-service professional commercial photography and video production company, we bring the right equipment and creative crew to ensure successful image acquisition.

Our Services Include:

  • Studio and Location Video and Photography: We offer comprehensive services to meet all your production needs.
  • Editing and Post-Production: Our skilled team handles all aspects of post-production to deliver polished results.
  • Licensed Drone Pilots: We provide specialized drone services, including indoor flights.
  • Custom Productions: We tailor our services to fit diverse media requirements and repurpose your content for maximum impact.
  • Private Studio: Our studio is perfect for small productions and interview scenes, with ample space for props and a custom setup.

With extensive experience working with businesses, marketing firms, and agencies in the St. Louis area, St Louis Locations is your go-to partner for all corporate photography and video needs. From custom interview setups to providing sound and camera operators, we have everything to make your next video production perfect.

Choose St Louis Locations for your next project, and let us help you create captivating content that stands out.


Cell 314-913-5626


How Testimonial Videos Drive Business Growth

In the ever-evolving world of marketing and advertising, businesses are constantly searching for innovative ways to connect with their target audience and drive growth. One such method that has proven to be highly effective is the use of testimonial videos. These powerful marketing tools not only provide credibility and authenticity but also offer a unique opportunity to showcase the real-life experiences and success stories of satisfied customers. As an experienced corporate videographer at St. Louis Locations, I have witnessed firsthand how testimonial videos can drive business growth and make a significant impact on a company’s success.

The Power of Testimonial Videos
Testimonial videos are a form of user-generated content that allows customers to share their experiences with a product or service. These videos typically feature satisfied customers talking about their positive interactions with a company, its products, or its services. The effectiveness of testimonial videos lies in their ability to build trust, establish credibility, and create a strong emotional connection with the audience. Here are some key reasons why testimonial videos are so powerful:

1. Authenticity
Authenticity is crucial in today’s marketing landscape. Customers are savvy and can easily spot inauthentic or scripted content. Testimonial videos, featuring real customers sharing their honest opinions, are seen as more trustworthy and genuine. When potential customers see others like themselves expressing satisfaction, they are more likely to believe the claims made by the company.

2. Credibility
Testimonial videos provide third-party validation for a company’s products or services. They serve as endorsements from real people who have experienced the value offered by the business. This added credibility can be a game-changer, especially in industries where trust is paramount, such as healthcare, finance, or B2B services.

3. Emotional Connection
Video is a powerful medium for storytelling, and testimonial videos excel at creating emotional connections. When viewers see and hear the emotions of satisfied customers, they are more likely to resonate with the message and develop a positive perception of the brand. Emotional engagement can lead to stronger brand loyalty and increased customer retention.

4. Humanization
Testimonial videos humanize a brand. They put a face and a voice to the company, making it more relatable. Potential customers are more likely to connect with real people sharing their experiences than with faceless advertisements or written testimonials.

Crafting Compelling Testimonial Videos
Creating effective testimonial videos requires careful planning, execution, and storytelling. As an experienced corporate videographer, I can share some insights into the process of crafting compelling testimonial videos that drive business growth:

1. Identify the Right Customers
Not every customer will be an ideal candidate for a testimonial video. Identify customers who have a genuine positive experience to share and are willing to participate in the video. Consider their demographics and the specific benefits they’ve received from your product or service.

2. Prepare Questions
Prepare a list of open-ended questions that will guide the testimonial interview. These questions should encourage customers to share their experiences, challenges they faced before using your product or service, and the results they achieved. Keep the conversation natural and unscripted.

3. Choose the Right Setting
Select a suitable location for filming the testimonial video. It could be on-site at your business, in a customer’s environment, or in a studio setting. The choice of location should enhance the authenticity of the video and align with your brand image.

4. Capture Authentic Moments
During the interview, focus on capturing authentic moments and genuine emotions. Avoid rehearsed or scripted responses. The beauty of testimonial videos lies in their spontaneity and honesty.

5. Edit Thoughtfully
In the post-production phase, edit the video thoughtfully. Ensure it flows smoothly and maintains viewer engagement. Incorporate visuals, graphics, and background music if appropriate, but always prioritize the customer’s story.

6. Share Across Multiple Channels
Once the testimonial video is ready, leverage multiple marketing channels to share it with your target audience. This includes your website, social media platforms, email newsletters, and even at industry events. The goal is to maximize its reach and impact.

The St. Louis Locations Advantage
As a full-service professional commercial video production company, St. Louis Locations is well-equipped to help businesses harness the power of testimonial videos for driving growth. Our team of experienced videographers understands the nuances of creating authentic and compelling testimonial videos that resonate with your target audience.

Full-Service Studio and Location Video Production
We offer both studio and location video production services to cater to diverse media requirements. Whether you need an on-site shoot or a controlled studio environment, we have the expertise and equipment to deliver high-quality results.

Editing and Post-Production
Our post-production team is skilled in enhancing and refining your testimonial videos to ensure they effectively convey your message. We can add graphics, animations, and music to elevate the visual appeal of your videos.

Repurposing for Maximum Traction
At St. Louis Locations, we understand the value of repurposing content. We can repurpose your testimonial videos into various formats to reach a broader audience. This includes creating shorter clips for social media, blog posts, or email campaigns.

Versatility in Media and Software
We are well-versed in all file types and styles of media, as well as accompanying software. This means we can handle any unique requirements or specifications you have for your testimonial videos.

In conclusion, testimonial videos are a powerful tool for driving business growth, and St. Louis Locations is your trusted partner in harnessing their potential. We have a proven track record of working with businesses and agencies in the St. Louis area, providing top-notch corporate photography and video production services. If you’re ready to take your marketing efforts to the next level and boost your brand’s credibility, contact us today.

Discover the St. Louis Locations difference and let us help you tell your success stories through compelling testimonial videos.

Contact us now to get started on your journey to business growth through the magic of testimonial videos. Your success story is waiting to be told, and we’re here to make it happen.

Studio 314-892-1233
Cell 314-913-5626

St Louis location scouting and managing

We maintain a comprehensive list of locations for any type of photography, videography, and brand promotion in St Louis. We are ready to handle any job that comes our way, due to our fast turnaround times.

Every project requires its own approach and we aim to exceed expectations. We start by finding the right setting by using our extensive location database. Every time, it is essential to find the ideal location for your project.

Location scouting is an essential component of pre-production. It’s a good time to spot potential issues with a location that include poor lighting or power supply. This includes considering every important character in the script as well as finding an appropriate location to film.

Helping with every step of the location scouting process from creative direction to permit requests to managing and logistics. Our rates are determined by project details, please call or email us for more information regarding your project.

Mike Haller 314-913-5626 stlouislocations@gmail.com

Scouting for the best location

Why is Location Scouting Important?

Location scouting is about more than just finding the right room or park for a specific scene. Location scouting allows key members of the crew to walk through the space they want to shoot in and ensure it not only looks great but can support the needs of the shooting crew and cast.


It also is a great time to uncover any potential problems with the location, such as lack of adequate lighting or power.

While this may seem obvious, the script holds the most important information when it comes to finding the right location to shoot a certain scene. Each and every noteworthy element must be considered.

Is the shoot a period piece? Does it take place in a certain kind of park in a certain part of the world? What elements does the writer describe being included in the space the scene takes place? What time of day is it supposed to be?


Film, video and photography location scouts in St. Louis


Carefully review every part of the script so that you can go into your location scout with a solid picture of exactly what kind of location you’ll need for each scene you’re planning to shoot.

Mike Haller – Cell 314-913-5626

St Louis Location Scout | Drone Photography and Video

There are a few important things to take into consideration when on an initial location scout.  The most obvious is you want your locations to match (as best they can) the brief that the director created and the mood he or she is after.  Besides the overall look you need to also be thinking about the logistics of the location.

The production will do their best to make company moves easy, parking easy, and take care of all the other things but a DP has to be on the look out for things like 2nd story locations, tight access for rigging and cardinal orientation of a set.  The earlier you spot a problem the more likely you will be able to fix it before the shoot.


We are also well versed in flying drones and can help scout your location and provide drone aerial images and video.

Mike Haller
9910 Claywood Court
St. Louis, MO 63126

Location scouting in St. Louis to find the best location for your video or photography shoot is imperative!

Selecting the right location for a successful shoot.


Scouting locations is a vital pre-production step that will help you meet almost any challenge when you shoot video or photography in the field. Here are several tips that will help you as you scope out potential video shooting locations.

Location Scouting in Saint Louis and Missouri - family on the run

1. Know your script. Choose a site that matches the setting of your story. This is the first rule of location scouting. As you set out to evaluate locations, you’ll likely face countless possibilities: natural areas, historic sites, distinctive buildings, urban landscapes and waterfront settings, to name a few. Remember, above all, that you have a story to tell. Choose a location that lends itself to the story you want to produce. You should never be bound by your locations. Locations are simply raw materials. You need to know what the script demands before you can select a suitable location.

2. Scout at the right time. Be aware that locations can change. It’s wise to check your spot on the day of the week and the time of day that you’ll be taping: these factors can produce surprisingly large changes on the suitability of a location.

Automobile traffic and noise, visitors to recreation and entertainment spots, and tourists at scenic or historic areas (to name just a few examples) all come in waves that vary dramatically based on the time of day, the day of the week and the season.

3. Look at light. Churches, ballrooms, restaurants, auditoriums and homes generally feature low amounts of available lighting. Check light levels by shooting a few seconds of test footage with your camcorder.

Solutions for poor lighting might be as simple as scouting out window blinds and curtains that can be opened to add daylight. In some cases you may wish to bring in lights or ask permission to replace the bulbs in accessible light fixtures with brighter-burning units.

4. Follow the sun. Outdoor lighting conditions can be as challenging as those indoors; exterior illumination changes all day long. As you’re scouting locations, pay attention to whether a given spot is in full sun, partial sun or full shade. Bright sun can be harsh on people’s faces, and light-colored surfaces can blow out in full sunlight, causing automatic camcorder lenses to underexpose shots. Partial sun can be tricky, as well; today’s camcorders, though sophisticated, can have trouble handling the high contrast in this situation. Ultimately, you may find that fully shaded locations or overcast days produce the most consistent results.

5. Check for power supplies. Many outdoor locations are far from power sources and even some indoor locations can pose AC challenges, so multiple camera batteries are always a good idea. But you’ll still need to evaluate your power options at any location.

St Louis location scout - Missouri locations

How will you power your lights? What if you do end up draining all your batteries? Is there anywhere to plug in the charger? Is the spot remote enough to make a car-lighter AC adapter a good idea? In a location that does have power, you may be able to plug in, but you’ll still need to think about the system’s pre-existing load and whether or not you can get to the fuse (breaker) box in case something blows.

6. Listen. Clean, high-quality sound is critical in making a video that rises above the ordinary, and its silence that ensures you get the location sound that you came for.

The whooshing of traffic, the white noise of moving water, and the echoes of voices and movements can all get in the way of high-quality audio. As you scout a location, check for any of these conditions by listening to your camcorder’s microphone pickup through headphones. Test your wireless mike at the site as well, listening closely for any type of interference.

7. Examine the elements. Sun, rain, wind, snow, heat, and cold — all of nature’s elements can help or hurt, depending on what you’re hoping to capture on film. So, it’s critical to check the forecast as you’re scouting.

Video cameras don’t like rain, salty beach air or moisture from waterfalls. Smeared lenses and water or salt inside the card reader can spell disaster. Bright, hot locations with lots of sunlight can also be a problem: black and gray camcorder bodies absorb the sun’s rays and can cause overheating when left exposed. A beach or patio umbrella can help protect your gear from the elements in both sun and rain.

Cold temperatures can drain batteries and make you and your helpers uncomfortable very quickly. Plan to keep equipment warm by storing it inside a coat or car until you’re ready to shoot, and by wrapping it in a spare scarf or jacket while taping. And watch out when bringing cameras back into warm interiors from the frigid outdoors: this can cause significant amounts of moisture to condense inside both optics and electronics.

missouri location scout - st louis rams - charter

8. Decide where to set up. Make sure that there’s adequate space for you to set up all of your gear, so that you’re able to get the shots you have in mind. A small shed may seem like the perfect location for a shoot, until you realize that there isn’t enough room to position your gear. You may have plenty of room in a large space like a church or an auditorium, but you may not be able to roam freely. As you scout your locations, verify that you can physically get to the spots you intend to shoot from.

9. Get permission. Be aware that you’ll need to secure permits and other legal permissions to shoot at certain locations. As you’re looking at a location, do a legal reality check.

Have you chosen a street or sidewalk location that will impede traffic? Do you plan to shoot on someone else’s property? Cemeteries, malls, grocery stores, corporations and businesses are all private property. Many owners will be happy to accommodate you if you ask, but if not, you’ll need to choose another location. It’s better to get permission in advance than to have a shoot interrupted by the authorities.

10. Evaluate the area. Check on communications: Is there cell phone reception in the area you’ve chosen to shoot? How about a nearby pay phone? If you’re driving a long way, have you planned for a breakdown?

Search the area for quick food stops to satisfy you and your crew in the midst of a busy schedule and double-check the address of a local electronics store, just in case you need to replace a cable or adapter.

One day, something will go wrong; it’s inevitable. But when you’ve scouted out the backup possibilities at a location, you can take most obstacles in stride.

11. And finally, take notes! When you sit down to evaluate a location after a day of exploring, you’ll be glad you have scouting reports to refer to. In your scouting expeditions for a shoot, in your daily travels, on your family vacations, and in your mind’s eye, you’ll come across countless locations and changing conditions, each of which will be unique and potentially important to you.

Write them down, take still photos or shoot a little video with a running audio commentary. Note the time of day, the quality of the light, the sounds in the air, and the things you felt. One day you might return.


Mike Haller

St Louis Location Scout


Saint Louis, Missouri, USA | Midwest Location Scouting

st louis missouri location scout | st louis film production

St Louis Locations specializes in helping producers save time and money in finding, securing and managing the best locations throughout the entire St Louis area for filming, videotaping and photography for movies, television shows, commercials, music videos and print projects.

We are St Louis based location scouts with an extensive library featuring commercial and residential space for TV, web, and print advertising, movies, and television shows.

We provide the most comprehensive  selection of urban, rural, and suburban locations throughout the entire St Louis area.

st louis missouri location scout for film video and multimedia

st louis missouri location scout for film video and multimedia

film production st louis | st louis video production

St Louis Film Production

If you are planning on shooting in St Louis you really should call us first.  We can help you with all pre production scouting and logistics as well as production and post production.  If you’ve been around the Midwest as long as we have Scouting & Managing Locations is a natural in our business. We just might know what you are looking for. You just have to know where to go, who to talk to and when to get the right image! We do St. Louis and Midwest location scouting for Film, Video, Photography and the Web.

film production st louis

Mike Haller


St Louis Location Scout

Member – Location Managers Guild of America (LMGA)

Our corporation has been in business since 1982, we are deeply experienced in film, video production, photography and print.

missouri film scout | film production st louis

We’ve been scouting in Missouri and Illinois for a number of years and are quite familiar with the Midwest region. Kansas City, Springfield, St Louis, Joplin, Cape Girardeau, we know the areas and we can help your production. Good quality location scouting can make your production better and less expensive.


Missouri film and video location scout for American Idol Winner Phillip Phillips

missouri film scout | st louis film production | video post production

Film and video scouting in Missouri.

American Idol Winner Phillip Phillips in Springfield, Missouri and surrounding Missouri county areas this recent January 2013 music video and film shoot .  Great person, wonderful film and video crew production.  Thanks everyone!

Missouri Film Scout Mike Haller for American Idol Winner Phillip Phillips.